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If you don't Golf, there's something seriously wrong with You!

Golf is the ultimate hobby ! It takes speed, strength,coordination,timing,exprerience,know-how,patience,scientific study,endurance,practice,and is fun! Come and enjoy with me!

This page is dedicated to the Great golfer and Christian brother Payne Stewart, who was taken to the promised land a few years ago. I never knew him, but he is one of my hero's, and I hope to play a few rounds with him when my time comes.


His greatest win, the U.S. Open


Traditions, Legends, Myths and Heroes

From the beginnings of recorded history, people from almost every culture throughout the world have created and enjoyed stick-and-ball games.

However, the precise origins of the modern game of golf have been obscured with the passage of time. While many Scots firmly maintain that golf evolved from a family of stick and ball game widely practiced throughout the British Isles during the Middle Ages, considerable evidence suggests that the game derived from stick-and-ball games that were played in France, Germany and the Low Countries.

We cannot, however, be certain that the game they played resembled modern golf - at least not until 1744, when the first known Rules of golf were composed by the Honourable Company of Edinburgh Golfers in Scotland.

The game was played in America as early as the 1770's in Charleston, S.C., although it would not take a firm grip on American life until the 1880s.