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This site is for family and friends to visit to get news about our family and to voice  our opinions on the state of this sin cursed world. Our prayer is this site will glorify our Great God and Savior The Lord Jesus Christ and help God's people to do the same. Our hope is that by Gods grace the unsaved will see the error of their ways, repent of them, and come to faith in Jesus Christ, our ONLY HOPE.

This web site is under construction, so some of the things you see will be changed in the near future.


Welcome To My Home Page

The Timpanaro Family Spiritual Statement

As there have been various discussions within the group of our family and friends (and avoidance of the issues by some), we thought it needful to clearly state the position of our family on issues we believe to be of major concern to us as christians.  As we believe in the risen Lord Jesus, and believe that our life is in Him, and our eternal home will be with Him in His kingdom, we are unconcerned if our position offends persons of a dissimilar faith.  Christ clearly states that He came to divide people into two distinct groups-those who follow Him and HIS WORD, and those who follow their own desires, sinful ways, and philosophies of the world. (Matt.10:35).  Those who are offended by our positions need to take them up with the God of the Universe, for we follow and believe what He says in His word, The HOLY BIBLE, and will not be moved.  We do not accept the reasoning of anyone in the world unless they have come to see themselves a sinner who deserves separation from God for eternity (HELL), but has repented from their Godless ways and thoughts, and broken and contrite has come to faith in Jesus Christ the only Son of God, for forgiveness of their sins, and has been born again by the Spirit of God.  We believe that a person who is not born again is spiritually blind and dead in their sins, separated from the life God, and as such cannot understand or accept the things of God, because of their unregenerate sprit.  Because of this defect in their spirits, although some parts of their reasoning may contain bits of truth, on the whole their arguments against the principles of God must be rejected.  It is our most intense desire that those who disagree with these bibical positions yet claim to be christians "Examine themselves to see whether they are in the faith" (2Cor. 13:5), as we believe those who are not in the faith will be judged by God for their sins and will be lost forever.  We morn over their lost state.


Abortion is one of the worst sins this nation allows.  God is the author of life, no matter what the circumstances of the begining of that life.  God is totally involved in the creation of every human life (Ps. 139:13-16, Jer. 1:5, Isa. 44:24).  Satan comes to kill and destroy (James 10:10).  We believe that every abortion is the murder of an innocent person.  There are NO acceptable arguments in support of abortion of a baby for the born again christian who puts the Word and Wisdom of God before the ways of the world, except to save the life of the mother.  A person who believes in abortion on demand, yet claims to be a christian, is decieved by the world and by Satan, and needs to "examine themselves to see whether they are in the faith" (2 cor.13:5). When the Spirit of God regenerates a person, their whole mind is transformed and opened to understand and accept the things of God, and not rely on their own wisdom or the persuasive arguments of the Godless world.  They realize that when their own opinions contradict the Word of God it is because of the resident sin that still dwells within them, and they will accept the will of God above their own thoughts and reasoning.

Homosexuality as an abomination and comdemned by God, punished by death at God's command in old testament times as an example of how gross a sin this is in His eyes.  We believe there should be no legal accommodations for people who commit such perversions.  Christians need to declare to the world that this is a terrible sin and that those who practice or advocate it need to repent, turn from their evil ways, and come to Christ for forgiveness and salvation.

Capital Punishment is the only just punishment for the person who commits murder.  "Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed, for in the image of God has God made man" (Gen. 9:6).  The comdemned man should have a chance to confess and repent of their sin and come to Christ for forgiveness, but justice then needs to be done, and done swiftly.  There is no biblical basis for life imprisonment.  Execution is the only punishment that fits the crime.

Communism and dictatorships must be opposed in all forms, as these regimes of the world regularly deprive their people of life, property, liberty and freedom.  Our nation should not have normal relations with these oppressive systems, and should act to free the people enslaved by these brutal governments.

SITE UPDATED 4-07-2004


E-Mail us at:Timpanaro@Hotmail.com

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